Greater Revenue Through Systems of Engagement

Geoffrey Moore coined the term “systems of engagement” to describe IT systems that support multiway communication and collaboration between businesses and customers. These are distinct from “system...

How Important is Responsive Web Design?

You’ve probably heard about responsive web design before. If you haven’t, it’s a web design that adapts to the way in which the user is viewing your website. This means it’s suited to mobile and ta...

Predicting The Future Of Cloud Service Providers

When asked which Value-Added Reseller (VAR) is most likely to win their enterprises’ business for a significant hosting project, the majority said IBM IBM +1.36% (18%) followed by Microsoft MSFT +0...

WinWeb focusses on cloud industry solutions

Winweb’s cloud-based business management solutions have a new focus on industry-specific requirements, with special applications for retail, wholesale, services, manufacturing, healthcare, financia...

An Alternative to Netsuite?

Is there currently a SaaS offering that is an alternative to Netsuite? Yes! The answer is WinWeb. WinWeb gives you transformational enterprise level cloud computing for your growing business. One u...

The Future of Online Accounting

The increase in the number of online accountants seems to have has coincided with the elevation of online software. As such, small business accounting is as efficient as it has ever been.   ...

5 Ways to Interact Better with Customers

Having a real relationship with your customers is vitally important, so here are 5 great ways you can interact better with them. Make Interactions Easy The first place to start is by looking at...

Are you claiming all your tax offsets?

Tax is confusing at the best of times. No matter how much the ATO try to simplify things, there are always hidden deductions, offsets, rules and regulations. So how do you know what to claim and of...

How Much Do Accounting Services Cost?

Without fail, we get asked “How much do accounting services cost?” by about ten percent of our initial inquiries. The question comes in various forms, from “What is your hourly rate for a bookkeepe...