Prevent Adware And Malware Download

Cyber world is the ultimate source of information and it is also a source of viruses and malicious software. At times, you might not even know that your computer is infected from virus or Trojans and they are keeping track of important information of your computer as well.

This thought itself is very scary and can bring jitters also. SO, it is very important to keep you computer secure ad safe. Computer security is based on the operating system which you use. It can be Windows, Linux, Mac or Android (For mobile).  Here are some simple tips to keep you computer safe from Adware and Malware download:

Keep all the software up to date on your computer: Keeping the software and Windows up to date can also be an important security step. Viruses and malware are broadcasted everyday and it is necessary that the operating system and security software on your computer has the information about the functionality of the new threats.

Microsoft also releases the security updates and patches time to time and if you do not have Windows Update turned then you will definitely miss some important updates.

Updating the antivirus program is also very important as it is used to scan and remove viruses from your computer and antivirus software must have updated virus definition.

Beware of Phishy emails:Email is also one source which contains exe and virus files. If you download something from such emails then it will spread the virus on your computer. ‘Such email always comes with catchy tiles and subjects like ‘free prize’, ‘Claim you free prize’ etc.

Once you open such mails and download something then it actually downloads the virus onto your computer and your nightmare starts from that point onwards.

You must use proper spamming rules on your mail client and always use security software with email scanner. Email scanner always scans outgoing and incoming emails from and to your computer and it worked real time, so whenever it detects something, it gives you a notification and you can either delete that mail and block the sender completely.

 Stay away from Stealth download: Anyone who uses computer with internet must have seen pop-ups while browsing any website. Even if you have used pop-up blocker, these pop-up tend to bother you a lot. At times you might have also clicked on some pop-up by mistake and then they start to download something onto your computer.

You must also use a malware or spyware protection tool on your computer to stay away from such activities. These are mainly spyware which simply stays in the background of your computer and keeps sending you pop-up and at times it also save the user internet behavior. Perform a regular spyware scan and keep removing such malicious files from your computer.