Webcasting through functions such as Elluminate and Instant Presenter is a tool that provides voice and video (webcast) support within a standard web browser. Users can watch or listen to the video, chat, vote on questions, and share the microphone with the anchor, providing a rich interactive experience with inclusion of desktop sharing, presentation tools, and graphs of votes.
You need to leverage on the use of social bookmarking sites such as FURL that allow websites to be tagged, added to the personal webpage, and then shared with others. This provides a quick and effective way of referencing. Using them, you can form a learning group together with your friends and build up a collection of web resource to support your studies. The assistance would be amazing. This principle of tagging and sharing is also the concept behind a collaborative web browser called Flock, which encourages peer supported learning.
Really Simple Syndication (RSS) is a simple way to distribute a list of headlines, update notices, and web- based contents to a wide audience.
Web 2.0 promotes student-centered learning. As a reader, it also allows you to become the producer of knowledge, enabling you to share your work with other audience. Such interactive Web 2.0 technologies increase creativity. You can write, film, and publish. It may be in audio or video. It is collaborative and can be used to create learning networks and communities of interest. E-pals project is considered to be the world’s largest online classroom, providing many opportunities and can be used for both formal and informal purposes.
Typical Web 2.0 technologies such as Wikis, which are interactive web pages that allow you to create and edit content using any web browser led to the phenomenal growth in blogging. They provide you with a tool using which you can share your personal experience and knowhow with the world. Wikis allows collective information gathering and editing in a fairly simple way without requiring complicated HTML coding knowledge.
Podcasts, which are chunks of audio content designed to support face-to-face sessions which may be accessed anytime, anywhere is yet another innovation in Web 2.0 tools. As per your needs, you can download the audio files onto a standard MP3 player.
As a new-age learner, you need to find your own ways to use these technologies for your smart referencing. To make your learning hasslefree using your PC or laptop on internet, you can sign in for a remote repair support that is available 24×7 at an affordable cost.
Harry Tata believes that in order to make most of interactive Web2.0 computer technologies, you need to sign in for some excellent tech support services. For instance, if you are a university student, remote repair service for your PC will ensure that you have an uninterrupted access to your study materials and guidance on internet that you receive from your E-learning service provider.