Work motivation techniques

Work motivation techniques are methods, tactics and procedures used to motivate workers in an enterprise, and thus make them more productive, more efficient, more creative, have a greater commitment to the company, and are more willing to provide good customer care.

The following is a compilation of ten effective motivation techniques that you can apply now to motivate your employees or subordinates.

Give greater autonomy

Give greater autonomy is to give workers greater flexibility and empowered to do their jobs.

To apply this technique could, for example, give the worker the ability to decide how to perform a task, the power to make small expenses or spending a certain budget as it sees fit, the confidence to decide when to always work as you meet their responsibilities and obtain the expected results, etc.

Give greater autonomy is an effective motivational technique because it satisfies the need for humans to take control of their destiny; but such requirements is necessary to give autonomy only competent workers, give these sufficient information and feedback to enable them to make good decisions, and create an environment of trust where not fear mistakes.

Offer incentives

Another technique motivation is to offer workers incentives such as cash rewards, bonuses and prizes, in exchange for certain results.

To apply this technique we could, for example, offer the employee an annual bonus if you get to meet your goals, a cash reward if you have a good performance, or a prize if he can get more sales than their peers.

Offering incentives is another effective technique, but for best results it is advisable to offer incentives to non-controlling manner; for example, instead of saying simply that if the worker achieves a goal we will reward, saying that we would like to reward the effort and dedication you put towards the target.


Give recognition is to recognize the good performance of workers as well as the good results or achievements to earn.

To apply this technique could, for example, make a recognition ceremony where we reward the best team of the company, financially reward the worker who has had the best performance in the year, or you let a worker who has done a good job and I congratulate him.

Give recognition is a technique that works because it satisfies the need for humans to feel valued; but such requirement is necessary that the surveys are genuine and sincere, ie they are given them a worker who really deserves and not simply intended to motivate.

Foster relationships

Foster relationships is to provide opportunities for workers who can relate, interact and bond with their peers.

To apply this technique could, for example, create groups or teams (which also enable interact with other workers gives them a sense of identity and belonging), organize corporate events, activities or meetings do outside of work, etc.

Foster relationships is a great motivational technique and satisfying the innate need of the human being to relate to other people, but we must bear in mind that this need is often present in people extroverted than introverted.

Show interest

Another technique is to show interest or concern about the actions, achievements and problems facing the workers.

To apply this technique could, for example, ask the employee why is having a poor performance and what would motivate (which also helps us to identify other ways to motivate), advise about personal problems, support your personal goals, give time and permission to pursue studies and even fund some of these, etc.

Show interest is a technique that works well because it satisfies other innate need in humans related to the need to interact with others, which is to feel loved, appreciated and heard.

Make them feel useful and considered

Another technique motivation is to make them feel useful and considered workers.

To apply this technique could, for example, ask the worker proposals or suggestions to enhance productivity and improve processes (which also allows us to obtain valuable proposals or suggestions for the company), allow to express their ideas or opinions, ask how it would solve a given problem, etc.

This technique works already satisfying other needs in humans related to the need to interact with others, which is to feel useful, considered important and taken into account.

Give variety

Another technique is to give workers variety or innovation in their work.

To give variety we could, for example, rotate the worker put temporarily swap it places with another worker, enrich their job with new functions, tasks or activities, put new challenges or goals, encourage him to propose new ways of doing things, etc.

Give variety is a technique that gives good results because the variety is a common motivator in people; but also prevents workers from falling into the routine of always perform the same functions or tasks, which is often a source of boredom and discouragement.

Provide opportunities for self-realization

Provide opportunities for self-realization is to give workers opportunities for achievement, growth, professional and personal development.

To apply this technique could, for example, give the worker more autonomy, greater accountability, greater powers, new features, new tasks, new challenges, new goals, opportunities for advancement, to express their creativity, to learn new skills, etc. .

Provide opportunities for self-realization is an effective technique because it allows us to give the worker the opportunity to meet one of the most important needs in humans, which is to feel fulfilled.

Provide opportunities to transcend

Provide opportunities to transcend is to give workers opportunities to leave a legacy, to feel that their lives have meaning, to help others.

To apply this technique could, for example, give the worker the opportunity to conduct outreach activities, explain how through their work improves the quality of life of people, help you find meaning in their work, etc.

Provide opportunities to transcend is a technique that works because it allows us to give the worker the opportunity to meet another major needs in humans, which is to transcend life.

Setting goals

Setting goals is to put the worker to meet goals or objectives.

To apply this technique could, for example, workers put the goal of increasing sales, get more customers, improve productivity, reduce turnover, etc.

Setting goals is a technique of effective motivation and the goals they mean to people challenging and allow them to focus; but such requirements is necessary that the goals are clear, specific, challenging but achievable, and that the worker agrees with them and accepts or, in any event, that are imposed on them by someone you trust.