This is a cool inbuilt widget on blogger. normally when you created a new blog, blogger will add this gadget to your template. If not you can add it manually. I know you have seen many beautiful sharing buttons on many sites. I’ll show you lots of quality and catching sharing button sets. But there is some advantages of using these button set than other custom button sets. In this post lets see what are the advantages of using blogger basic social sharing button set and how to enable or disable it.
This button set is too simple and its already included in blogger. so it is very compatible with blogger. using these social sharing button set can make your blog load faster. because other share buttons are getting their images and scripts from other sites. so it will take a little extra time. Also when you add custom share buttons you have to add too much codes to your template. you don’t have to touch your html code if you are using this button set. any way have to agree if you say those new buttons have eye catching animations and counters etc. anyway lets see how we can enable and disable this button set.
Go to Blogger and Open your blog options by clicking on blog name or selecting the drop down menu near the blog name and click on Layout button.
Now you will see the page elements of your blog. Click small edit button on Blog posts box. You will see the option box for blog posts. Select or deselect the “Show share Buttons” check box as shown in the image to enable or disable Sharing buttons.