Free Recording Studio Software

To be totally honest, the hype around DUB Turbo actually kept me from buying the damn thing. In fact, the reason I actually ended up buying it was totally by accident, here’s a quick story about why I decided to buy DubTurbo (as well as where I found some discounted pricing):

OK, Storytime…

I was struggling to get some beats together, I had a vocal studio session looming in the future and I was running behind… Way behind.

Panic started to set in. You see, I actually HAVE access to a few expensive drum machines, keyboards, computer programs etc. My problem was that I couldn’t get all of my “pro” gear to sync up with my computer and (worst of all) some of the stuff that I thought was “done” sounded horrible.

Normally I consider myself a pretty calm individual but this was causing me panic attacks. I couldn’t sleep, which made matters worse… I ended up getting bronchitis and couldn’t work at all for a few days. The studio session was a mere 2 days away and I had virtually NOTHING.

I knew I needed help. My friend (who wishes to remain anonymous) has been making great beats for a few years now, a few papers and a national magazine had recently picked up on him and he is now making a good name for himself in the industry (not to mention some good $ $ and a very cute girlfriend, funny how that works eh?). Anyway, I was sure he could help. 

When I called him he had just finished a big project and was chillin, he also said wanted to show me his new “super secret” toy.

I walk into his studio (filled with basically all of the gear you have EVER heard of) and there he is, punching out a beat ON HIS COMPUTER KEYBOARD!!! When he was done, he spun around and I could see what his new “Super secret” was… None other than DubTurbo.

We both sat down and quickly got to work. I really couldn’t believe how easy this thing was to work. In the time it would have taken setup a session on other expensive software we were already done with one song and on our way to the other. Dub Turbo was becoming my new best friend, not to mention lowering my blood pressure quite a bit.

Soon DUBTurbo began to feel really really natural. He had told me that he was hanging out with his girlfriend that afternoon so he left me alone to keep on working. The first song I did by myself own only took 34 minutes from start to finish. I tested how it sounded compared to some of my favorite tunes… It sounded great! Later my friend explained it was because DUBTurbo has very hi quality output (44.1K to be precise).