Google has started offering limited free web hosting.
First off you must have a Google Gmail account.
I have two Gmail accounts and while I was signed into my main email I was researching Free Web Hosting for a personal project. I found several Free web hosts and I signed up for a two. They both said you will get a response in two business days after you join our forum. I do not quite understand what that is about.
Anyway I stumbled onto an article about a Google Free Web Site. I did a little bit more digging. Then when I did a search for “Google Web Hosting” on Google a web page opened up. I went ahead and built a test page and edited the page and saved it. Then I built another page and edited that one also. I linked them together, the link interface is the easiest linking I have ever done. Maybe I am just getting a little more link savvy.
The Google Page Creator interface to choose your web page design is also very simple and easy to use.
The pages use with my Google email address in the website address.
Zbikenut []
I found this interesting and wondered if I could rename it. I fumbled around and no such luck. Your first website will use the name of your Gmail account. I did find that I could build more websites. At this time Google will let you have 5 different website names including your first unchangeable one.
All of your website names will end in
Depending on what you want to do this is a very simple way to build a web site. In less than thirty minutes you can easily put a couple of pages up if you are familiar with a basic word processor.
You can build a blog for free at also but I think you can present and organize information much better on a simple website than on a blog where the latest post is what dominates.
For Beginning Web site classes this is awesome. I do not think these pages will rank highly on the search engines but I do not know.