Choosing your career path begins with choosing a college. How to navigate the job market from college to career.
Choosing your career path starts long before graduation. Most recent graduates have struggled to find the right job, internship, or are underemployed. Since 2012, earnings for young graduates has steadily increased; however, graduating seniors received an average of 1.10 job offers this year – a 12-year high. Furthermore, college students are facing difficulties in landing successful internships. Few are offered a position, and even less are hired on full-time. As the hiring market is vulnerable, the exploration of your dream job starts long before graduation – or even college.
Choosing your career path begins with choosing a college. Attending a liberal arts college or focusing on sciences can sharpen your critical thinking, communication, and problem-solving skills – polishing yourself as a prime candidate for employers. Actually, 93% of employers agree that soft skills are more important than majors.
When selecting a major, ponder on job availability – 8 in 10 of the fastest-growing jobs for college graduates are in STEM fields. While many graduate-level STEM programs don’t require an undergraduate degree, STEM careers do require the soft skills learned through liberal arts. In 2008, Google analyzed its most successful employees to learn what skills were the best foreshadowings of success. Of the 8 top skills configured, 7 were soft, STEM expertise ranking lowest.
Prepare yourself for the journey by meeting with a career counselor, attending a job far, drafting letters of reference and building an online portfolio to showcase your work. Navigating platforms such as Handshake, Wayup, and Linkedin can aide in networking and applying for internships; however, be sure to go the extra mile. Standing out on social media can directly increase your chances with a future employer.
Six months post-grad, 64% of American graduates are employed, or engaged in further study – but some colleges see far better outcomes. Don’t get left behind in the job market. A successful career begins while you are still in college. Learn more about transitioning from college to career below!