Information Technology is not an easy course. Creating set of instructions for a computer to follow is never an easy task. It entails analysis and lots of understanding on the programming language that you are using. Programming which is one of the major subjects in IT is almost a head-ache for all IT students. Being a teacher for 2 years i have seen how students struggle on the said subject. I have heard all their complaints regarding the difficulty of the subject. I definitely understand them because i myself encounter the same problem when I was still studying. Amidst the difficulty of the course I still manage the finish my studies. With the experiences I had in programming let me share some tips on how to do better in programming especially for all the newbie out there.
Love the subject (Programming) – Hating the subject for its difficulty would just mess up your current situation. It will never do you any good if you curse the subject. Since you choose IT as your course you must accept all the difficulties with it. Again learn to Love programming. Practice practice practice – I do believe in the saying that practice makes perfect. You must always practice programming on a computer or even in your notebook. Create simple programs during your free time. If you don’t have any computer, write it in your note. It will really help you a lot. Research on the internet for examples – look for simple examples on the internet and studying them. Do not memorize the code, you have to study and analyze. Never get into online games – base on experience it will surely get your focus out on your studies.
TO all IT students, just follow this simple tips and surely you will have a higher chance of passing your programming subjects. Just don’t let go of your dream of becoming a computer professional someday. Hold on to your dream and do your best everyday.