This may be a cliché but it actually is an absolutely valid argument in favour of online shopping especially so in the case of furniture shopping. The reason for this is really simple. Furniture is, as we all know, different from our regular shopping items in an obvious way. It is a non-standardised commodity. So where you might pop into a shop and buy, say an mp3 player of a particular brand, you don’t usually do so at a whim (at least not all of us). You’d plan what we want, study the specifications, view one that probably a friend has already bought and then go ahead with the buying decision knowing fully well that whichever shop you buy it from, it will be the same product. Furniture on the other hand requires even more thought to be put into and usually differs in terms of designs and ranges from shop to shop with only a few products available generically. This being a creative industry, catering to the tastes of the multitudes scores a high rank in the furniture trade agenda. This brings us to the issue of time. It isn’t a quick job even to go through webshops that have the type of furniture you might be after. Now imagine having to roam around city high streets scouring furniture shops for the same item. Gives a whole new meaning to the term ‘shop till you drop’. Now all of us might not be so selective or even downright picky about our designs, but if we had the opportunity, most of us would like to be at least a little selective and get what suits our tastes best and at the best possible price. Enter the online shopping world. It offers wide selections from across the country at highly competitive prices. No wonder online sales are rising at a much higher rate than offline ones. It really does save time and hassle.