Prepaid Legal Services Network Marketing Review

If you are looking for a network marketing company that offers a unique service to it’s customers then you might want to take a look at Pre-paid legal services. Here’s why…Pre-Paid legal services offers legal expense plans that give middle and lower class Americans access to the justice system. If you look at the legal system today you will find a broken system. There are millions of lawsuits filed everyday from divorce, child custody, civil suits, criminal suits, etc. There is also a huge problem with identity theft nowadays. It is very easy for someone to commit drivers lisence fraud, social security fraud, and credit fraud.Pre-Paid Legal Services is a 35 yr. old New York Stock Exchange company and was founded by Harland Stonecipher. They offer a wide range of legal plans. The most common plan is the expanded family plan. The plan covers you and your entire household for $26.00 a month. The expanded family plan is broken down into five titles of coverage. 1) Preventive Legal Services2) Motor Vehicle Legal Expenses3) Trial Defense Services4) IRS audit services5) Preferred Member Discount on any additional legal matter.

A special membership called the Legal shield is added on with the expanded family plan. It allows a customer to contact their attorney immediately if they are arrested or detained. It doesn’t matter if they are detained at two in the morning, they can contact their attorney.

As far as a network marketing opportunity you have a couple of things going for you. The legal industry is hard to get access to, most people can’t afford the high price of attorneys. Also, a majority of legal problems can be prevented if people have access to legal advise. Another advantage to their opportunity is it’s highly affordable for the average consumer. Your talking about a $26.00 or less monthly expense. Their memberships are not a hard sale to make if explained right.I wouldn’t do this review justice if I didn’t mention the other popular membership that Pre-paid legal offers. It is the Identity theft shield. Pre-paid legal partnered with Kroll Background of America a number of years ago. Kroll specializes in Identity theft and has allowed prepaid legal associates to market the Identity theft shield service. For $12.95 a month or $9.95 a month added on to a Pre-paid legal membership customers have complete protection in regards to Identity theft. The service provides continuous credit monitoring and credit restoration. If a customers Identity is compromised they will be provided with an expert that will go to work to restore their name. The service provides 600 hours of the experts time with no additional charge.Today, we know that Identity theft is one of the fastest growing white collar crimes in America. We also know that most people use credit or debit cards to pay for purchases. This provides a huge opportunity for associates to cash in and help consumers.The compensation plan that Pre-paid legal offers is very generous. They pay out 1 yr advanced commissions on all their plans. For example, if an associate sells the expanded family plan for $26.00 + the Identity theft shield for $9.95 an associate will earn starting out $36.00 and it goes all the way to over $250.00 for marketing a $35.95 membership. Obviously I can’t explain the entire comp plan in detail in this article, that’s why I placed a link at the end for more information.In closing, I want to mention the last benefit of the network marketing opportunity that Pre-paid legal provides and that is they PAY DAILY. When a membership is process they pay their associates the next business day.I attempted to write a short overview of Pre-paid legal but now I want to talk specifically to the home business opportunity seeker. If you desire to learn how to be an ENTREPRENEUR and how to MARKET the Pre-paid legal service plans the easy way then you need to partner with leaders who can teach you how. For more information check out the resources below. – Empowered Entreprenuer Creating Value In Others. – A Business That Changes Lives.