This programming database application review includes programming database applications that use Unicode, focusing on the server-side programming and client side programming. I will not get our hands down and dirty with all the technical stuff on this page but I will simply highlight some stuff to take note of as you continue with your reading.
Programming database applications that use Unicode is about how you can preserve the integrity of any data character when you program applications in client/server environment. This is most especially for environments that vary in their Unicode-awareness.
Server side programming
The server side programming with Unicode is about server-side programming actions that are necessary to make a database application Unicode-aware. This include this like providing a clear definition of Unicode-aware interactions and using the nvarchar(max), nchar and nvarchar data types to define the Unicode storage.
These interactions can be defined undertaking the following server side programming actions;
o Defining variables and some parameters of stored procedures and triggers o Prefixing the Unicode character string constants with the letter N o Substitute using CHAR() and ASCII() functions. This should be done together with their Unicode equivalents, that is, NCHAR() and UNICODE(). o Switching from data types that area non-Unicode to data types that are Unicode in table columns and in CAST() and CONVERT() operations.
Client Side programming
Programming database applications on the client side with Unicode is about what is needed by users in order to interact with the server given a variety of cases or scenarios. The programming here includes managing data conversion between client/server code pages, managing data conversion between a Unicode server and a non-unicode client and managing data conversion between Unicode encoding schemes.